Association: 2G regulation in retail could slow down the economy

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Photo: Pexels/Burst

From the point of view of the association of medium-sized companies, the sales of companies have come under pressure because of the 2G regulation in retail. Chief Executive Ludwig Veltmann said on Tuesday that the ongoing pandemic-related restrictions and the associated customer behavior could grow into a brake on the economy. Small and medium-sized trading and service companies in particular could suffer considerable damage as a result of the crisis.

According to an economic survey conducted by the association, more than a third of the cooperations surveyed estimate their sales losses as a result of the 2G regulation at 10 to 30 percent. More than 6 percent expect a drop in sales of 30 to 40 percent. Many companies are reporting a significant drop in customer frequency. According to the association, 68 group headquarters with around 50,000 affiliated companies from 17 sectors took part in the survey. According to its own statements, the association of medium-sized companies represents around 230,000 medium-sized companies.

The trade association HDE recently called for 2G controls in retail to only be carried out on a random basis. With the control of the mask requirement and 2G rules, retailers are taking on state tasks, said HDE general manager Stefan Genth to the news portal T-Online. "This must not become permanent. This is a massive overload of the companies."

Consumers react differently to this demand: According to a Yougov survey, 30 percent of participants would feel more unsafe if there were only random checks, a good third (36 percent) see no difference between random checks and admission checks for everyone when it comes to feeling safe Customers. According to their own statements, 14 percent of the participants are currently not entering a shop in which a 2G regulation applies. (dpa)


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