Assisted reproduction: an aid for preimplantation diagnosis

D.get information on the Italian Centers that deal with Medically assisted procreation (MAP), with the related cases and success rates. And above all to provide information on pre-implantation diagnosis, promoting the inclusion of this exam among the services that the NHS must guarantee through the Regions everywhere, free or with a ticket.

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These are the objectives of the medical-scientific association pregnancy, fertilization , Italian Preimplantation Diagnosis Network. “There PGD ​​is an antenatal examinationinvasive, like the villocentesis or amniocentesisbut that you do before embryo transfer to the uterus and which also allows us to know its genetic constitution ”explains Daniela Zuccarello, geneticist at the University hospital of Padua and president of Nursery.

“The network we have founded therefore aims to become the reference point for couples who intend to take advantage of assisted fertilization techniques in search of safe information”.

