ASSISTANTS. Ali and Fahmi blijven elkaar accuse van het doden van Daniël (9) in asielcentrum: “Ik two op de ogen van my mother dat ik je niet laat die” | ASSISTANTS. Moord op 9-year-old Daniël

The verhoor of Ali Alhaj Mahmoed (25) and Fahmi Al Achqar (22) were left behind in the light of the surveillance. In both cases, the other degenerate what the plan had been considered by Daniël Al Alali (9). Both of them complained about what they had to do, but Daniël’s mother and father were regularly in tears, and both of them were ultimately responsible. “Fahmi zat op zijn borstkas, met zijn handen round and zijn nek en dat T-shirt op zijn gezicht.”

Jasper Van Der Schoot

Latest update:
6:25 p.m
