Assenaar has to go to prison for three years for a series of burglaries at vulnerable elderly people

A 39-year-old man from Assen must serve a prison sentence of three years for six home burglaries and thefts. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) demanded 3.5 years in prison.

The man is addicted to drugs and in the period from August to November was mainly targeting senior housing with a key box next to the door. He broke open the cabinet and stole jewelry, money and cards from the house. The man came back to one house twice. He used the stolen cards to withdraw money.

Cameras captured the break-ins. The police recognized the Assenaar, who has often been in contact with the judiciary. The man also left behind fingerprints and DNA traces. The Assenaar was walking with a stolen toolbox in his hand when he encountered agents. He had borrowed it, he told the police.

The man has a huge criminal record to his name.
