Assen gets covered go-kart track, padel complex and climbing wall

The new plans for the Expo Assen event location have been announced. The large hall next to the TT circuit will include a go-kart track, padel complex and climbing wall. The renovation is likely to be completed by the end of this year.

Under the name ‘Hit ‘n Run Assen’, new life is being given in the hall right next to the A28. “This is a huge addition to this area. There is no such thing in the Northern Netherlands yet,” says an enthusiastic Willem Uitenhuis of Nozebra, the developer of the plan. Real estate company Lenferink Groep Zwolle is the owner of the property and has called in help from Uitenhuis.

In total there will be seven or eight different concepts aimed at a day out, including one for children with trampolines and virtual reality activities. There is also room for catering establishments. The emphasis is therefore no longer on major events. “Corona has also played a role in this. Due to the corona crisis, people are looking for individual activities instead of major events. That is not the main reason for these plans, but it does make it less vulnerable for the future,” says Uitenhuis.

There is still room in the hall for other plans. The developer is still looking for two concepts for Hit ‘N Run Assen.

The renovation will start on September 1. The intention is that the location will be opened before the Christmas holidays, with the padel complex opening earlier than, for example, the go-kart track.

Since the end of November, the event hall has served as a temporary shelter for asylum seekers, for whom there was no room left in the overcrowded application center Ter Apel. It is not yet known what will happen to the asylum seekers after August 31.
