Assen Blooms still contender Appeltjes van Oranje, Dorpshuis 2 Exloërmond no longer

The Assen Bloeit initiative is one of the ten nominees for one of the three Apples of Orange, a prize from the Orange Fund. The Dorpshuis 2e Exloërmond is no longer in the race.

Since June 10, the public has been able to vote for 31 Dutch and 7 Caribbean initiatives that stimulate contact and connection between local residents. Most of the more than 40,000 votes went to Thuis in West from Rotterdam, which immediately received a place in the final.

The other contenders had to pitch to a jury today. A combination of the pitch and the voting result ultimately resulted in a selection. At the beginning of October, it will be announced at Noordeinde Palace whether the Asser initiative will win.

The three winners will receive a bronze statuette made by Princess Beatrix and a cash prize of 25,000 euros. They will receive the prize from Queen Máxima. This year’s theme is Bridge Builders in the Neighborhood.

Assen Bloeit in the Vredeveld district is an initiative of more than a hundred volunteers. The aim is to combat loneliness and to utilize the potential in the neighbourhood. This is done by cooking and eating together, doing odd jobs and working in the Open Hof garden.
