Assault on the Melilla fence

Although the President of the Government must also have thought it inopportune when two thousand migrants had the bad idea of ​​jumping over the Melilla fence, just as he was trying to escape the bad news that the national reality holds surrounding himself with the flor cream of world leaders during the NATO Summit held in Madrid, which has been a great diplomatic success. This follows from his unfortunate initial statements “job well done & rdquor ;, nuanced later when he became aware of the thirty (?) migrants killed at the hands of Moroccan security forces. A slaughter. People who had crossed the Sahara in subhuman conditions to crouch around the Spanish city, waiting for the right moment to throw themselves over the fences that protect it. The result has been a terrible tragedy, no doubt motivated by Morocco’s desire to acknowledge Mr Sánchez’s recent change of position on the Sahara by showing diligence in irregular immigration control and going from promoting it to restricting it… with the same crudeness and without being asked for explanations (!).

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go ahead that every country has the right and duty to protect its borders against immigration outside the legally established channels, both for reasons of sovereignty that allow it to determine who it allows or does not allow to enter its territory, as well as for reasons of pure logic, since there is no welfare state that can survive with open borders. Especially when this border is with a country like Morocco whose per capita income is 10 times lower and which is the prelude to others that still have fewer resources. To get an idea, if our income is 27,000 dollars, that of Morocco is 3,000, that of Nigeria is 2,000, that of Mali 850 and that of Sudan 600. The situation becomes more complicated if we consider that in just 30 years the population world will grow 2,000 million people and of them 1,300 million will be born in Africa. Egypt grows a million inhabitants per year and Nigeria will go from the current 200 million to 400 in 2050, more than the US today. in those conditions It will be very difficult to give these people the Three Ts that Pope Francis speaks of (Roof, Land and Work) and that anticipates very large migratory movements both within the countries that will experience rampant processes of urbanization, and abroad in search of more dignified living conditions. Today 60% of the African population lacks electricity and there are also many who do not have access to drinking water or sanitation. Not to mention health, education or transportation. These harsh conditions will only get worse with the impact of global warming of the atmosphere that harms most those who have contributed least to it, resulting in increasingly severe and frequent droughts and famines. The first conclusion is that the migratory waves are only beginning and will increase as the century progresses, and the second is that Spain is in the first fila y you can’t let everyone you want in because there would be millions.

We must not deceive ourselves, the migratory pressure on Ceuta and Melilla will be increasing because when people are desperate they do not pay attention to reasons and they will try to jump the fence again. The good way or the bad way. Just as they will risk crossing the Mediterranean in fragile boats. Only when Africans can live in decent conditions will they stop looking for them on other continents, and after having colonized and exploited them for centuries, we now have a duty to support them in a task that overwhelms us as a country and that requires Europe as a whole to turn help Africa get out of the underdevelopment in which it finds itself, something that is easier said than done and that takes a lot of time. So in the short term it is imperative to sit down with Morocco and design action protocols together that prevent the repetition of tragedies on the border like the one that has just occurred, because there will be more assaults and they cannot end with more deaths. It is not easy but it is necessary to do it because the responsibility ends up being shared and because what happened is intolerable.
