ASML is allocating millions of euros for extra technology lessons in schools

Chip machine manufacturer ASML in Veldhoven will pay for technology lessons for more than 180,000 more children in our province. The tech company previously arranged special lessons for 60,000 children at primary schools in the Brainport region. The tech giant is allocating 13 million euros to expand the ASML Junior Academy technology project.

ASML started technology lessons at primary schools in the region at the end of last year under the name ASML Junior Academy. The goal was to offer technology lessons at all 271 primary schools in the Brainport region. With the special lessons, ASML wants to get children excited about technology.

Within a radius of 35 kilometers
For this purpose, the Veldhoven-based company purchased technology lessons through the company Mad Science Nederland. They provide lessons at school. ASML itself is also involved in the technology lessons: the intention is to have one of the six lessons taught by an ASML employee. Last school year alone, more than 18,900 children at 58 schools took part in six interactive technology lessons.

The intention is that children in primary schools within a radius of 35 kilometers from Veldhoven will soon also be able to become acquainted with technology. This concerns schools as far away as Tilburg, Den Bosch and Turnhout in Belgium. The 180,000 children receive six technology lessons per school year.

‘Technology is everywhere’
The students learn in a playful way about magnets, electricity and coding and programming.

According to ASML, technology lessons for children are important because schools do not always have the knowledge and resources to provide technology lessons themselves. “Technology is everywhere, within every organization and in everyone’s private life. Think of banks, how their customer service has changed and nowadays you can do almost everything online,” says a spokesperson.

Teaching package abroad
“Health care will also use many new technologies. These are all developments that have to do with technology. It is good to prepare children for this digital future that will affect them all.”

ASML hopes to soon be able to offer technology education abroad together with Mad Science.

READ ALSO: ASML pays for technology lessons for 60,000 children: ‘The world needs this’
