As a Zoetermeerder, you get that much money from the municipality as an energy allowance

Energy prices are skyrocketing. To help fellow citizens with a smaller wallet, some residents receive an energy allowance. It differs per municipality who receives this allowance and how high that amount is. You can read here how things are in Zoetermeer.

Municipalities themselves determine which residents will see the amount on the account. In most cities this concerns households with an income at or just above the social minimum. Other municipalities select fellow citizens who earn a maximum of 120 percent of the gross minimum wage.

This is currently the social minimum

The social minimum is a minimum amount set by the government that Dutch households need to be able to live. For single people this amount is 1,250.19 euros gross per month and for people who live together it is 1,724.99 euros gross per month. Here you see all amounts of the social minimum per age and living situation.

This is currently the gross minimum wage

The minimum wage in 2022 will be 1,725 ​​euros gross per month for full-time employment. The number of hours covered by this varies per sector. Here you see all amounts of the gross minimum wage per age or per hour.

Major differences in amounts

The amount of the energy surcharge also differs per municipality. And that varies a lot! If you live in The Hague, you will receive 900 euros. Rotterdammers who earn just as much are less lucky; they receive 200 euros. It is not yet completely final, because our city council still has to agree, but Zoetermeerders will most likely receive 800 euros.

This is how you get the allowance

Are you eligible for the contribution? In that case, it differs per situation whether you see the surcharge directly on your account. Households with a (social assistance) benefit will automatically receive the allowance on their account no later than 15 May. Other residents of Zoetermeer, such as workers and the self-employed with a minimum income and AOW pensioners without a supplementary pension, have to apply for it themselves from the municipality. This is possible here online from May 16.

Help from the municipality

The contribution is welcome for many Zoetermeer residents with a smaller wallet, but what if you already have financial problems because of the higher costs? Then you can agree a payment arrangement with your energy supplier. The municipality of Zoetermeer offers free help to Zoetermeer residents with money problems. Sign up here online to. You can also use the Energy counter receive advice on saving on energy costs.

Would you rather not knock on the door of the municipality’s money counter? You can also call the national telephone number (0800-8115) for free to tell your story anonymously and ask for advice.

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