As a 9-year-old girl, Cecile is allowed to sing to Willem-Alexander and Máxima

Cecile Pieterse from Roosendaal was nine years old when in June 2013 she led a children’s choir to sing a special song for King Willem-Alexander. “The older I get, the more I like being able to lead the way.”

Since taking office as king, Willem-Alexander has visited Brabant dozens of times. Countless times he was addressed, by distinguished people or by ‘ordinary’ Brabanders. Many fellow provincials also sang for him.

The royal couple were in Roosendaal a few months after the coronation. A song was written especially for this occasion for SuiteKids Children’s Choir: ‘Cadans van de stad’. Cecile was also a member of that choir. She was asked if she wanted to lead the way to the platform where Willem-Alexander and Máxima would be waiting for them.

Cecile conducts SuiteKids Children's Choir (photo: Omroep Brabant).
Cecile conducts SuiteKids Children’s Choir (photo: Omroep Brabant).

“I thought it was great and was grateful and proud. Was I nervous? Not really. I did feel a healthy tension”, she looks back. She already had some experience with public performances. Cecile played the lead role in the musical ‘Alleen op de wereld’ of the Hofpleintheater. She was on stage ten times in the local theater De Kring.

Her parents and classmates seemed much more impressed by the musical tribute. That became clear when a reporter from Omroep Brabant visited Cecile the next day at primary school De Wingerd.

“The older I get, the more I like being able to lead the way.”

Cecile is now studying law at Erasmus University Rotterdam and she also lives in that city. Is she ever reminded of her performance ten years ago? “Sometimes, when people googled my name. I don’t often think about it myself, but the older I get, the more I like being able to lead the way.”

In 2013, Cecil’s dream was to become a musical star. Did the royal visit mean extra support? “No, I stayed with the choir for a few more years and sang the song regularly in cafes and on certain occasions. In the end I didn’t choose a musical career.”

“Of course I still sing sometimes, but usually in the shower. I want to do everything perfectly and I am not easily satisfied with my own performance. I put a lot of pressure on myself and then building a career as a singer is difficult.”

“I admire Amalia, she will become a real queen.”

“I think we have a very good king, but my interest is more in Amalia’s life. If you see how she shows herself at this age: she will be a real queen. Very cool.”

READ ALSO: Singing talent Cécile Pieterse from Roosendaal about her solo performance for the royal couple
