Artyom Severjuhin, 15, made a shocking gesture

Artyom Severjuhin’s gesture is outrageous.

A Russian-born go-kart driver flying the Italian flag Artyom Severjuhin shocked the motorsports crowd on Sunday.

According to many, Severjuhin, 15, made a clear greeting to the Nazi during the national anthem on the podium in Alfarv, Portugal. Severjuhin patted his chest twice, straightened his hand, and held out his open palm directly in front of him for a moment. After the gesture, he started laughing.

Belarusian media Nexta posted a video of what happened on their Twitter account.

If the embedding below does not appear, you can view it from here.

The International Automobile Federation (FIA) said it had launched an investigation on Monday. The FIA ​​states in its statement that the use of Severjuhin is unacceptable.

Severjuh himself denies having done a Nazi salute. He just said he greeted his friends and family who stood in front of the podium.

– I won the European Championship and I was happy. I’m from Russia. I thanked my team and loved ones who are from Russia. Someone saw an evil gesture in my action, but that was not it. I just thanked them, he said through a spokesman for the Russian Motorsport Association by.

– I’m Russian, from Russia and I’m standing on my side.

Severjuhin’s stable Ward Racing did not time. The stable said it planned to terminate the contract with Severjuhin.

The team posted a statement on Instagram.

– Ward Racing strongly condemns Artjom Severjuhin’s actions at the awards ceremony as a sign of unsportsmanlike conduct, a breach of the code of ethics and morals. That is not acceptable.

– Ward Racing does not see an opportunity to continue cooperating with Artjom Severjuhin.
