Arturo Bonin died, he was 78 years old

“Arturo loved his profession as an actor and director and has had the privilege of bonding and sharing beautiful moments with so many people who love and respect him, we appreciate all the affection received.” With those words, Arutro Bonín’s family reported his death. The renowned Argentine actor was fighting a serious illness and his health had deteriorated in recent days. He was 78 years old.

The world of entertainment regrets his departure, since he was a professional who knew how to leave his mark on television, cinema and, mainly, the theater. Arturo was hospitalized and was accompanied by his two children and his wife Susana Cartwith whom they were together for almost 45 years.

His last relevant participation had been in The 1-5/18the fiction of Po-ka and The thirteen whose filming was forced to abandon when his health problem began to worsen.

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