Artur made a successful proposal in the mosh pit at The Opposites: “Forgot to kiss her”

Celebrate the year with a bang on New Year’s Eve: some people do this with oliebollen and champagne, others go to a party. Artur from West went one step further this New Year’s Eve. He took his girlfriend to a concert by The Opposites in Paradiso, with a wedding ring in his back pocket.

Proposal at the Opposites – NH News

It’s the second mosh pit of the evening, so Artur knows it’s his moment. A large circle is formed, where part of the audience will immediately jump against each other while jumping.

But then the jumping stops for a while and Artur gets a microphone shoved into his hands. His plan is going smoothly. The Opposites play along with the act and call the audience to silence. 34-year-old Artur gets the chance to propose to his also 34-year-old girlfriend Florentine, in front of a sold-out Paradiso, at the concert of their favorite artists.

Artur and Florentine return to the pop temple three days later on a pink cloud. “Yes, quite unreal,” says Florentine as she looks around. “You know you were here the other day and he proposed, but to be back here you think: it was really us.”

Lost in the mosh pit

Artur’s plan arose during a previous concert by The Opposites. In 2022, he and Florentine were there when they performed at the Westergasfabriek. “Then I lost her in the mosh pit,” he laughs. “That’s why I sent a video of it to The Opposites, writing that I almost lost my girlfriend last time. And then I realized that I can never let her go again.”

Photo: AT5/Jimmy Miltenburg

He receives a response to his message and not much later he makes a plan with the manager of The Opposites. They agree that he can propose at the second mosh pit. When that moment actually arrives, nerves run through his body.

Shortly beforehand, Artur looked up which knee you should actually sit on for a proposal. He first kneels on his right, but quickly switches to his left, as he should.


The yes word sounds and the room goes crazy. Just like Artur, who in his enthusiasm overlooks something important. “I completely forgot to give her a kiss,” he reflects three days later. “So you see Flo reaching out to me, saying ‘come here’. Meanwhile, I’m already gone and everyone is coming. You forget that in all the excitement, of course. But that has to be the case.”


The happy couple will never experience a concert in the hall the same again and The Opposites are also forever linked to their togetherness. And so the question arises: will they come to the wedding? “The line is of course there, so you don’t know. We will do our best. In any case, they are cordially invited.”

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