Artturi Lehkonen grew up as a solver in his father’s hard school

Artturi Lehkonen hit 1 + 2 with an extra time goal when the Colorado Avalanche advanced 6–5 away to the Stanley Cup finals.

  • Colorado took Finland Finland’s match against Edmonton, which ended early Tuesday morning, 4–0.
  • In addition to Lehkonen, the Finns will see (at least) a superstar in the finals Mikko Rantanen and a goalkeeper Justus Annunen.

Through hard work, earning success Artturi Lehkonen playoff performances in 14 matches are handsome 6 + 5 = 11.

He will play in the finals for the second time in a row after also hitting an extra time goal last year – then in a Montreal shirt.

Artturi Lehkonen bounces with joy after deciding on the final place in Colorado. Logan O’Connor shares the joy. AOP / USA TODAY SPORTS

Artturi, 26, is known as a hockey coach and expert Ismo Lehkonen the middle of the five children in the family.

– My biggest wish for the muks was that they would choose the king of football, but “Arsi” showed from an early age that hockey is his sport, Lehkonen says.

According to the father, the son has always had a tough competitive spirit.

– When he was younger, he didn’t really know how to handle losses. It had a big workout and I had to exercise On the back of Teemun instructions.

The loss had to be forgotten in five minutes.

– Of course, it didn’t work right away, but Teemua was able to use the magic word, Lehkonen laughs.

He himself served as the coach of his son.

– From skating school I got to train, and when Arsi was in Tepsi’s C-junior, I went to help that team for half a season.

Lehkonen says that as a coach he has been twice as hard for his own children as for others.

– So that no one can whine that I prefer my own muskies.

Via Sweden

Artturi Lehkonen made his debut on the TPS league team in the 2011–12 season. For the next two seasons, he played at KalPa and won the Young Lions World Championship in 2014. After that, he moved to SHL’s top club in Frölunda.

– Those two years in Frölunda were such a hard sport that it had to prepare him for Änäri.

At the same time, Ismo Lehkonen, who worked as a coach for 27 years, spent the last head coaches of his career in 2014–16 at the helm of Tuest.

– I have an insanely hard respect for all the coaches on that squirrel wheel, he says of the job description of the head coach.

– It’s 24/7, and the responsibility for leading the entire organization and each individual is really tough.

– For the last year and a half, I already had a little carrot, because my own sufferers suffered quite a lot and I didn’t help so much for Ars. I had the exact knowledge that everything had to go right.

Everything in the game

Ismo Lehkonen has trained his son to be a real fighter. Pekka Jalonen

Lehkonen says that he emphasized to Arttur two principles that are central to development. The first question was: can you train so much that you become an elite hockey player?

– There is a district level, there is a SM level, there is an EHT level, there is a World Cup level and then there is an elite level. If you are going to reach the elite level, then you cannot train like an SM level or EHT level athlete.

– Since Ars had an NHL goal, he had to train at the elite level. We had to find the best possible help to do it all the time at the limit.

– Do you have that character? I questioned it until he left for Frölunda. After that, I knew he had a character for it.

– Another thing I was accurate about all along was that there is a change all in. The defensive direction cannot be fumbled. From body language, you have to be a team leader and serve a team.

Lehkonen says that he had to intervene only twice during Arttur’s junior years. The first time was about an unnecessary 5 + 20 minute cool down.

– The second time was when the back coverage was insufficient. Didn’t really cope and couldn’t. Otherwise, there has been no need to intervene but has gone Nummelin’s Timpan with themes: the game should be nice.
