Arttu Wiskari is open about the crises of restaurant entrepreneurship

Arttu Wiskari performed at the Iskelmä gala. The artist will release new music soon and the restaurant’s operations have recovered after the crises.

Arttu Wiskari says that he spends his free time playing frisbee golf and with his family. Sipe Myllyniemi

Singer Arttu Wiskari himself is amazed by his last year.

– It’s a good feeling to be here at the gala, even though I haven’t published anything significant for a long time, Wiskari tells Iltalehte at the Iskelmä gala, laughing.

Wiskari tells him that it is completely normal for new music to be released only every year. The same pattern has continued to repeat itself, as the previous publication was made in July 2022.

However, fans don’t have to worry, because new music is coming. Wiskar still has a one-disc contract with the record company Warner.

– Kind of an exciting feeling, after that I’m free and I could do what I want. But whether I want to is a different matter. Will I notice when I write the name on the new paper that I don’t want to, Wiskari ponders.

– It’s the first time I’m faced with such a choice, it’s special, he continues.

From one crisis to another

In addition to his own music career and record company, Wiskari runs the Wiskarila restaurant with his wife Pauliina Wiskari, which opened in 2019 in Espoo.

Wiskari says that the last few years have been very difficult for the restaurant, but operations have picked up again.

– Korona was terrible, there you had to throw lifebuoys in all directions all the time to keep the boat afloat. I was absolutely certain that we would go bankrupt. It somehow just persisted.

Corona and the energy crisis disciplined Artu and Pauliina’s Wiskarila restaurant. Sipe Myllyniemi

In December, Wiskari said on his Twitter account that he had received an electricity bill of 5,000 euros.

– It’s starting to be a bit difficult to start a business when the electricity bill for my small restaurant is almost €5,000 per month, Wiskari wrote miserably.

The situation has also eased somewhat with regard to the energy crisis.

– The electricity bills of 5,000 euros were really sour. All restaurants have the same thing. Fortunately, it has also calmed down a bit, there are no longer such bad bills, Wiskari says with relief.

– Yes, it’s a bit like that when one crisis is overcome, another one is already around the corner. It feels like there is no carpet under your feet at all anymore, but you are constantly flying backwards into the back of your head, he laments.
