Arto Bryggare has strong doubts about Annimari Kortte: “Electrification is constantly on”

The old master is solving Annimari Kortte’s problem.

– That was surprising. I didn’t see a sudden rupture or anything like that, and Annimar’s explanation supports it.

So begins the analysis of an old masterpiece who works as an expert for Iltalehti Arto Bryggare and refers to the most dramatic event in the Espoo GP.

One hundred genuine SE woman Annimari Korte missed the final run when his left foot betrayed from below.

Bryggare presents a vigilant assessment of what is behind the problem.

– I’m sorry about that injury. I have severely torn my buttocks and that’s when my nervous tension was born. It and the scar tissue that came out as a result of the rupture hurt each other. The leg was electrified continuously until a major operation was performed to remove part of the hind legs, Bryggare recalls.

– Annimar had a hind thigh surgery last autumn, but it was not said that there was a situation near the sciatic nerve. But that’s how I would think Annimar sometimes has something going on between her nerve and her scar. And that’s where the pain comes from.

Magnetic images of the athlete’s foot this week.

– If there is no tear, it is not an unfinished place. But I have long believed that the World Cup will come to him too early. To the European Championships with him and Nooralotta on Nezir there is a good chance.

Korte comments that he is perhaps in the best shape of his career based on the test results.

– He’s not in the shape of his life and I’d dare say he’s not even close. The test results do not tell the truth. If an athlete is fit for life, the results of the competition will tell you that. He’s in stronger shape than before, but the run isn’t coming yet.

Annimari Kortte cheated under her left foot at the Espoo GP on Wednesday. PASSI FLAME
