Artist Maya Wildevuur (78) passed away

Artist Maya Wildevuur passed away last night in her hometown of Midwolda.

The colorful artist started a gallery in Hooghalen in 1984 in Huize Dennenrode on the Hiemstrastate estate. In the early 1990s, Wildevuur moved to the Ennemaborg in Midwolda, where she started Galerie Maya Wildevuur.

The gallery in Hooghalen continues to exist as the Wildevuur gallery and was taken over by her son in those years. That takeover ended in a conflict with him, after which she had to pay 15,000 euros.

Maya Wildefire was 78 years old.

Wildevuur became known for the use of strongly contrasting color accents in her paintings. She mainly painted flowers, landscapes, animals and clowns. She also painted portraits.

Drenthe Then Wildevuur spoke in 2020. She then spoke about how she came to Drenthe and how her gallery in Hooghalen was created.
