Arthritis of the thumb: what it is – iO Donna

Dneck pain, headaches but not only: the now widespread habit of spend a lot of time on your smartphone can also have a direct consequence hand disorders.

Slaves of the smartphone?  The inventor of the cell phone recommends using the “dumphone”

In addition to the painful symptoms, now known as tech neck syndromelinked to posture problems generated by the use of new technologies, in fact, in recent years the disorders affecting the small joints of the hands, particularly that of thumb. Textite or message arthritis is the neologism coined to indicate this type of condition: an inflammation of the joint which, if neglected, can also degenerate into a real one arthrosis.

What are the alarm bells and above all what strategies exist today to intervene in case of arthritis of the thumb? We talked about it with the doctor Alessandro Russo, specialist in Orthopedics at the Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic II of the IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna.

Musculoskeletal disorders and lifestyle

“The musculoskeletal pathologies have always been related to changes in habits and lifestyle – explains Dr. Russo. – Me too’use of smartphone which, in the last decade, has grown exponentially, has created the onset of new pathologies. This is because when our musculoskeletal system finds itself having to respond to different and repeated stresses can go into crisis. Type messages and emails on the screen forces you to hold on for a long time wrist flexedsupporting the weight of the mobile phone, which is increasingly larger today, at the same time making large movements with the thumb. It’s about unnatural movements which trigger chronic inflammation. And this is exactly it inflammation which can become the first phase of rhizarthrosis or arthritis of the thumb».

Thumb arthritis: more widespread today

«We were once used to diagnosing these pathologies in young subjects who carried out particular professions, such as hairdressers, tailors or workers engaged in a certain type of repeated hand movements – continues the specialist. – Today however, also due to the excessive use of smartphones, Thumb arthritis is a pathology that can potentially affect anyone».

Rhizarthrosis is, in fact, the most frequent arthrosis of the hand even in subjects aged 40 and over.

The alarm bells

A wake-up call that should not be ignored is the burning at the base of the thumb which may indicate a degenerative joint problem.

«Pain is the first sign of rhizarthrosis, accompanied by difficulty performing even very simple movements how to turn the key in the door lock, lift a plate or open a jar – explains Dr. Russo. – It is a very pathology disabling because, even if we often tend to underestimate it, the thumb is involved in all movements».

How is thumb arthritis diagnosed?

In the presence of pain, therefore, it is fundamental contact a specialist to receive a diagnosis.

«Generally we start with one clinical diagnosis – explains the expert – to evaluate some characteristic aspects. By mobilizing the joint, for example, the patient feels pain. They can too hear abnormal sounds when moving the thumb and still you can notice the presence of joint effusion. In the presence of these signals we proceed with aultrasounduseful for detecting the inflammatory picture of the synovial membrane that covers the joint. While to attest the more advanced frameworks serves the radiography».

Thumb arthritis: what to do

If neglected, the rhizarthrosis can become extremely limiting for those who suffer from it. This is why it is important to intervene promptly. For less acute cases, the first recommended strategy is legal guardian that way in general worn at night to give stability to the thumb and reduce inflammation.

Self after two or three months of using the brace appreciable results are not obtained, the doctor can prescribe specific physiotherapy protocols. «However, we must consider that, in the most acute cases, i Standard physiotherapy treatments can be frustrating for the patient – ​​underlines Dr. Russo – because they offer only a temporary and partial benefit. The next step, until recently, involved the resort to surgery but, even in this case, it is an often disabling strategy and that anyway does not allow the normal function of the joint to be restored».

Help from regenerative medicine

Because of this a very valid alternative today it is the one offered by regenerative medicine.

«The use of mesenchymal stem cells it has proven effective in a very high percentage of cases – underlines the specialist. – The patient’s adipose tissue containing the activated mesenchymal stem cells is taken and, in the same surgery session, injected via a minimally invasive procedure into the joint. This type of treatment has demonstrated excellent results for about ten years now in knee osteoarthritis but today it is used also to treat the joints of the hands».

How long does it take to recover the use of the joint? «After two days of swelling, following the surgery, the the resulting benefit gradually stabilizes but the great advantage is that it is maintained over time».

Knobby fingers

This type of procedure is in fact also used today for intervene on other problems affecting the handlike ‘gnarled fingers’.

«It’s about arthritic formsOften associated with rheumatoid arthritis but not only, very frequent especially in women – explains the specialist. – When, beyond the aesthetic question, the lump is also associated with pain this condition can become difficult to manage. That’s why in these cases a treatment with activated mesenchymal stem cells of adipose tissue it can be decisive. And it’s one novelty because until now there were no effective treatments for this type of problem.”

Thumb arthritis and prevention

It goes without saying that lifestyle plays an important role also for prevent arthritis of the thumb and more generally of the hands.

“It is good limit bad habits as much as possible – concludes Doctor Russo. – Since it is not possible to give up the smartphone, better to prefer smaller and less heavy models that do not subject the thumb to too large movements”.

Any other useful tips? Rest it smartphone on the table and type by alternating fingers or take advantage of thepredictive text option today available on many devices.

