Art Factory CBA and CRV Arte join forces to present “Lollypop”, the first pop art exhibition at the Globant La Docta headquarters

How did the project of organizing art exhibitions together come about?

(Andrea Degiacomo) A few months ago I was lucky enough to meet Romina on the occasion of a call for Artists that we held at Art Factory and I discovered that in addition to being an exquisite plastic artist, Romina is a great cultural manager. A few months later she very generously invited me to accompany her in an individual exhibition at the Globant La Docta headquarters and some time later we ended up opening the exhibition to other artists.

Romina, what can you tell us about this exhibition?

This exhibition, which presents a complete review of the Argentine Neo Pop art trend, is developed from the study and influence that American Pop Art has had on the research of several artists from the country present with their works in the exhibition itinerary. A reflection, therefore, that arises from the curatorial section of the exhibition, on how popular art has represented the trait of union between mass society, that of consumption and the constant images typical of the language of Warhol and other virtuosos who contributed value to the artistic movement. But not only that, Pop Art also seen from its enormous globalizing power, which since the fall of the Berlin Wall until today, has broken down all language barriers and through the use of stereotyped images with a tendency towards impersonality has made us reflect on the new modernity. And lifestyle.

How many Artists participate in the exhibition?

(Andrea Degiacomo) Initially the exhibition was going to be an individual exhibition for Romina, but she considered that it was more enriching to open the exhibition to other emerging artists to give them the possibility of disseminating their art in a spectacular space such as the Globant GNI Building, one of the most outstanding architectural developments in the city of Córdoba. For that reason we made a call that included artists from Córdoba and the rest of the country. It was truly surprising since we brought together very important artists from the country’s art scene who join us in the exhibition today. They are: Gastón Abregu from Tucumán, Andres Compagnucci and Esteban Di Zeo from Buenos Aires, Mario Lange, Raul Sassoni, Romina Cervi, Romina Rudy, Gaston Estevez and Andrea Degiacomo from Córdoba.

How did you experience the inauguration?

(Romina Cervi) We were really very excited, first of all when we saw the final result of our work that we planned in record time! Secondly, it was very beautiful to share our joy with the dozens of friends, artists and family who came despite the cold and rain.

(Andrea Degiacomo) I think the most important thing was the fact that we were empowered by working together, uniting Romina’s experience and creativity and the logistics and dissemination of Art Factory. On the other hand, we believe that this is a good starting point to generate a traveling art movement that allows artists from Córdoba and the rest of the country to make their art reach the greatest number of people not only in a fixed space but in different areas with different audiences.

What would you like to add about the occasion?

(Romina Cervi) First of all we want to thank the people of Globant La Docta, especially Mr. Gustavo Ojeda, for giving us the facilities of the building, built by the developer GNI, sponsor together with ICONSA Engineering and Construction and Engineer Hernán Bordi for his unconditional support. We also wish to thank Marcos Cirigliano from Super Anfibio Córdoba, Gaston Estevez Alippi and Bodega Bedz.

(Andrea Degiacomo) I want to add that the exhibition will be open to the public until the end of October and that it can be visited Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Globant GNI Building Avenida Colon 3440 Córdoba. And finally, thank you to all the artists who joined the exhibition and traveled especially for the opening and to all the people who collaborated in this event, without whose support this success would not have been possible. Thank you all!

Art Factory Córdoba

Address: Avenida Gauss 5488 Local 6 (5021) Córdoba.



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