Arrimadas asks Feijóo to “take a step forward” and “stand up” to Sánchez

12/11/2022 at 2:50 p.m.


“The President of the Government is the prince of the corrupt, the prince of the seditious, the prince of embezzlers, of those who carry out coups,” says the leader of Ciudadanos

The president of Ciudadanos, Inés Arrimadas, has shown her support for the Civil Guard in Pamplona, ​​where she has censured the Government of Pedro Sánchez for “giving the prize to Bildu for gradually ousting the Civil Guard of Navarra” and has asked the leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóoto “step up” and “stand up to him”.

In this way, he has spoken in statements to the media before participating in a rally in support of the Civil Guard after learning of the state government’s agreement to exclusively transfer to Navarra the traffic powers now exercised by its agents.

Arrimadas explained that the purpose of their presence is to show their support and gratitude to the Civil Guard and they also do so in “Navarra because the vast majority of Navarrese, just like the vast majority of Spaniards, love the Civil Guard, we appreciate the Civil Guard and we are very grateful for the service they provide every day”, he stated.

After recalling that 35 years have passed since “one of the worst attacks carried out by ETA in a Civil Guard barracks in Zaragoza”, he assured that They cannot remain silent before a government that “humiliates the Civil Guard so much.”

“What Pedro Sánchez has done to give the award to Bildu to gradually dismiss the Civil Guard of Navarra is intolerable. This undoubtedly arouses the indignation of a majority of Spaniards and we come to tell them that they can count on us, that we will always defend the Civil Guard as they defend all Spaniards”, he declared.

In this regard, he has opined that “You cannot allow a Government of Spain to humiliate one of the institutions most loved by Spaniards for four or five supports”.

The Civil Guard must continue to be in Navarranothing that is the responsibility of the Civil Guard should ever be negotiated with Bildu, there should never be that humiliation that Bildu is the one who determines whether he leaves or not”, remarked Arrimadas who concluded with a “long live the Civil Guard” and giving the “thanks to all the police and civil guards who defend us”.

“The Prince of the Corrupt”

On the other hand, when asked about the reform of the crime of embezzlement, he replied that “Sánchez is the prince of the corrupt, the prince of the seditious, the prince of embezzlers, of those who carry out coups d’état. With Sánchez in government, the only ones who live better now are the embezzlers, therefore the corrupt, and the seditious”.

Questioned about who should be the candidate if a motion of no confidence is presented, she has maintained that for Ciudadanos “the candidate is the leader of the opposition”, about which he has said that “not only does he have the privilege of sitting in a privileged place in the acts, he has responsibilities and now is when he must exercise his responsibility.”

“He must defend us all and take that step, he has to show the Spaniards that there is not only a political but a moral alternative to Sanchismo,” he asserted, adding that he believes that “Mr. Feijóo will not be able to flee of his responsibility and step forward and present a motion of censure and make Sánchez show his face”.

According to Arrimadas, “the plan must be broken” for Sánchez and the motion of no confidence is “a useful instrument so that it shows its face and has international repercussions”, since with that they could “avoid more future infamy”.

For all this, he has asked Feijóo to “take a step forward and stand up to Sánchez. Now is the time to show the Spaniards that we must not lower our heads and that we are going to use all the tools to put an end to this infamy” , he stressed.
