Arrest Warrant Wiki: What fans really want to know about the rapper

From music on label samplers, controversial YouTube videos to a record deal with Universal Music, Haftbefehl has worked hard to make a name for itself as a musician over the past few years. His album RUSSISCH ROULETTE, released in 2014, with the track “Chabos know who the Babo is” meant a breakthrough in the mainstream and even set new trends in youth language. In the same year he founded the fashion brand Chabos and in 2015 he also opened his own shisha bar in – where else – Babenhausen.

MUSIKEXPRESS has collected some fan questions about the rapper – the arrest warrant wiki has the answers.

What is Arrest Warrant’s real name?

Rapper Arrest Warrant was born Aykut Anhan on December 16, 1985. He is the child of a Zazai Kurdish father and a Turkish mother.

Is there an arrest warrant in jail?

Even if his stage name suggests it: arrest warrant is at large. However, the rapper has a criminal past: After the death of his father, the life of the then 14-year-old went off track – he dropped out of school and at the age of 15 was under youth arrest for criminal offenses. He has apparently had his stage name since 2006 – inspired by the arrest warrant against him for dealing in drugs. This was ultimately dropped because he agreed to complete an apprenticeship as a car mechanic. Just three weeks later, however, he started his rap career – and, as we now know, very successfully.

Where does the rapper arrest warrant come from?

Arrest warrant was born in Offenbach am Main. So he was born in Hesse and had the center of his life there for a long time. He is said to have also lived in Istanbul and Amsterdam at times in the past, according to reports, as an arrest warrant against him was outstanding and he therefore disappeared from Germany.

Does warrant have a girlfriend?

Rapper Warrant has reportedly been taken since 2010 and has even been married since 2016. His wife’s name is Nina Anhan – she is a freelance beauty expert and originally comes from Stuttgart.

Where does the rapper arrest warrant live?

Hafti and his wife moved from the Rhine-Main area to the region around Stuttgart – back to Nina’s homeland. The two built a house there for themselves and their two children. The prefabricated house was already erected in September 2021.

How much money does warrant?

It’s understandable that warrant would prefer to keep assets and other private matters out of the public eye. So there are no exact numbers about how much Babo has in his account. In the meantime, however, the rapper should be a multimillionaire – also thanks to some smart deals. The cannabis-flavored arrest warrant iced tea “Baba HafTea”, which was launched in September 2021, is likely to have played a major role in this.

Who Shot Warrant In The Leg?

Whether we will ever be able to give a clear answer to the question of why the arrest warrant had a gunshot wound in the leg – who knows. The rapper is covered with information about it. He reportedly accidentally shot himself in July 2020. His only public comment on the incident: “Hamdullah I’m fine!”

How big is warrant?

Fans are also interested in the size of the arrest warrant, because the artist is quite a handsome guy. In “Schulz in the Box” he once explained to Olli Schulz, who was just as tall, that he was 1.96 meters tall.

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