Arrest warrant issues against click buyers: “Where have you all gone?”

While some German rappers had more than a hundred million clicks on their videos last year, this year the peak is again around fifteen million. And that is only achieved by all the big names. An amazing phenomenon, for which the Frankfurt rapper arrest warrant has a plausible explanation: those rappers who achieved such insane click records last year would have bought the views. How easy it is is at least since one YouTube documentary of the public service channel “Y-Collective” from two years ago.

Arrest warrant hands out on Instagram

In an Instagram statement that has now been published, the street rapper shares against his colleagues with purchased views: “Where have you all gone?” He asks. In his opinion, no rapper naturally falls back from a hundred million hits to “only” three million. It is clear who he means with his announcement, among other things: Especially with the Autotune rapper Mero, many suspect that he bought his enormous number of clicks on YouTube.

The number of clicks bought by many rappers and the general direction in which the German rap industry has developed over the past few years have also taken the pleasure out of music, by the warrant’s own admission: “That was also the reason why I didn’t want to make music anymore for three or four years, that kind of took away my interest”.

Meanwhile, the rapper’s musical output is quite high again, DAS WEISSE ALBUM (2020) was followed a year later by DAS SCHWARZE ALBUM. In the statement, Haftbefehl also announced a new album for this year, for which the first single is to be released soon.

The statement verbatim

Here is a longer excerpt from the statement by Haftbefehl:

“Friends, I have a question: Where have all these rappers gone, last year there were still a lot of them. They had 50 million clicks in 3 months, 150 million clicks in a year. More than Puff Daddy, French Montana and I don’t know who combined. Where have all these rappers gone, I don’t understand? They don’t have that many clicks anymore, why are they suddenly up to 3 million. Of 100 you don’t fall on 3. It’s strange, don’t you think? So one thing I can tell you, I’ve never bought clicks, I’ve never bought likes on Instagram. With me everything is real. And by now you must have understood what happened in Germany.

That was also the reason why I didn’t want to make any more music myself for three or four years, it took away my interest a bit. (…) Let me put it this way: to all artists who don’t buy clicks and likes: you are the best! Because you don’t do that. You take away the platform, algorithm, everything from other people. If you don’t do that, I don’t think it’s cool. (…)

First artist nationally last year on, best album nationally last year on, almost best single, shortly after Pashanim, best regards to Pashanim brother, Süddeutsche Zeitung voted best album, with Alicia keys, the BLACK ALBUM. And this year it goes on, my album is coming soon guys, the first single will be out soon.”
