Arrest team arrests man after placing grenade at tanning salon

An arrest team arrested a man early Tuesday morning in Den Bosch. He is suspected of placing a grenade at a boarded-up tanning salon on Hildebrandstraat in Den Bosch in the summer of last year.

The explosive was attached to a piece of tape on the outside of the case in early July. Immediately after the discovery, the police decided to evacuate eight surrounding buildings. The area was cordoned off within a radius of fifty meters.

The EOD removed the explosive, after which the area could be released again. One of the local residents said at the time that it was often restless around the tanning salon.

money laundering
The affected tanning salon had been closed by the municipality a short time earlier and boarded up.

According to it BD Mayor Jack Mikkers took this decision to ‘put an end to a serious disturbance of public order’.

Bertie van D. is said to be the owner of this tanning salon. He was sentenced to eight years in prison for his involvement in crystal meth laboratories. The building in the Hildebrandstraat would have been used to launder money.

READ ALSO: Grenade removed from building in Den Bosch, neighborhood heard a bang at night
