Armi Toivanen tells about the moment that changed his life in Me Nais

Actor Armi Toivanen tells how his father’s death left lasting marks on him.

Armi Toivanen talks about his great loss. Pete Anikari

Actor and MVM trainer Armi Toivanen returns to the turning point in his life in an interview with Me Naiset magazine.

Toivanen’s father died at the age of 51 from a cerebral hemorrhage in December 2003. At that time, Toivanen himself was 23 years old.

– I lost my father completely unexpectedly, in a few hours, without planning and preparation. That’s where living in the moment began: I didn’t see hope anymore, and I haven’t really had any dreams. It was a big experience that stuck with me and stayed with me forever, says Toivanen.

Toivanen, who grew up firmly as a daddy’s girl, lost her most important support and sense of basic security. The mother was widowed, the eldest daughter was expecting her first child, and Toivanen and her twin sister had just moved from Tampere to Helsinki.

– The loss affected all of us strongly, but we were in challenging life situations. We were left to mourn alone, and there was no family like that anymore, describes Toivanen.

Soon Toivanen got into Teatterikorkeakoulu, on the fifth attempt. He reflects that his father’s death showed in him as a younger hardness. The physical closeness and touching that are part of the school’s culture and exercises tickled him.

– I have also been sharp with my words and hurt others with them. Toughness has been my escape from the pressures and adversities of my personal life. From different starting points, I would probably have appeared as a quite different person, says Toivanen.

In addition to acting, Toivanen works as an MVM trainer. He stars Skimbagirls– film, which premieres in February.

Source: We women
