Armed teenager breaks into school: “To deal with bully” | Brussels

The facts already took place last Monday, May 30, but only now became known through reports in the French-language newspaper La Capitale. The Brussels public prosecutor confirms the news. A teacher tried to stop the young man at the school gates, but when the minor suddenly pulled out a knife, the teacher distanced himself. He was then able to invade the school grounds. He found the so-called ‘bully’ on campus, after which a fight broke out between the two involved. In the end, a tutor managed to separate the two young people.

The young man managed to escape, but was soon arrested by the police. The Brussels public prosecutor confirms the incident. “He was quickly arrested by the police. The minor was made available to a juvenile judge because of the acts that were qualified as threats. He exhibited violent behavior towards the teaching staff and was in possession of a prohibited weapon. After interrogation, he was placed in a juvenile institution,” it sounds.

Last week there was also an armed incident at a Brussels school. For some unknown reason, a man dressed in black and wearing a balaclava tried to break into the Institut de la Providence in Anderlecht with an alarm pistol. He threatened a teacher who wanted to stop him and fired a shot. No one was injured and the suspect fled. The alarm pistol was found during a search, but there is no trace of the suspect for the time being.
