Armed man in BNNVara building wanted to kill Tim Hofman | Domestic

A man from Breda was arrested last month after he entered the BNNVara building in Hilversum with a firearm and a knife. He stated there that he wanted to kill presenter Tim Hofman, the broadcaster announced. BNNVara staff was informed on Monday. VPRO and Human, which are located in the same building, have also been informed.

The incident happened on September 6 in the evening. The man reported to security after which the police were called. According to BNNVara, no explosives were found, something that the weekly magazine Panorama suggested last week. The suspect had already been to the building earlier that day to arrange a meeting with Hofman through the reception. Since that had not worked, he returned in the evening.

It is not yet clear what his motive was. The suspect is not a former employee or otherwise affiliated with BNNVara or any other broadcaster. He also doesn’t have it in the program ANGRY by Tim Hofman.

BNNVara director Lonneke van der Zee says that the incident has made a great impression on the broadcaster. In a statement, she states that the first concern has gone out “to Tim, the security guard and reception employee in question and the editorial team of ANGRY. Naturally, news of these events had a major impact. They have received the help they need to cope with this. It is disgusting that we have had to deal with such a serious incident.”
