Armed forces commemorate fallen on the Grebbeberg | News item

News item | 28-04-2023 | 11:15

Thursday 4 May is the National Military Remembrance Day at the Military Field of Honor on the Grebbeberg in Rhenen. With the 2-minute silence at 8 p.m., the Armed Forces commemorates the soldiers who have fallen for the Kingdom of the Netherlands since May 10, 1940, or who died while performing their military service. The commemoration will take place in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet, Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven and His Highness Prince Pieter-Christiaan.

This ceremony will be hosted by the Deputy Commander of the Army, Major General Jean Paul Duckers. The ceremony will be broadcast live by RTV Utrecht from 19:25 and can also be followed via the YouTube channel of the Royal Netherlands Army. The organization takes place in collaboration with the municipality of Rhenen.

The Remembrance Day is on and around the Military Field of Honor with an Honor Guard, Honor Company, Banner Guard, military fanfare and thousands of interested parties. The subject of Peace and freedom is highly topical because of the war in Ukraine.

A silent procession precedes the ceremony. The invited authorities and deputations walk from hotel ‘t Paviljoen on the Grebbeweg to the Military Field of Honor. The guards of honor at the monument are manned by soldiers in a 1939 uniform.

The musical support during this commemoration is provided by the Fanfare Bereden Wapens. As part of the commemoration, Army chaplain Major Javelin Zwakhalen will give a reflection. This year, too, students will recite a poem. Various authorities lay a wreath after the two minutes of silence. Following the wreath-laying ceremony, a parade past the more than 800 graves follows. The scheduled finish time is 8:45 p.m.
