Armand Duplantis throughout the shock loss in the Diamond League

Armand Duplantis is seen in the stands of the Olympic Stadium.

Armand Duplantis won 21 consecutive races. EPA / AOP

The Swedish pole vaulting superstar Armand Duplantis dethroned for the first time in over a year. Duplantis lost to a Filipino in the Brussels Diamond League To Ernest John Obiena.

Duplantis has won 21 consecutive races, but in Brussels Obiena managed to surpass 591, to which the Swede could no longer find an answer.

– This feels heavy. Nothing worked. It has been a long time since there has been a competition like this, but these things happen, Duplantis commented to SVT.

Duplantis will be seen at the Olympic Stadium this weekend, but he will not compete at all, but will remain in the crowd cheering in the stands. After that, he heads to Zurich for the Diamond League final.

– After today’s race, there will be an important race. I want to get revenge and finish my season with a bang, Duplantis said.
