Arjen Robben chose this painting in Stars on the Canvas

Former footballer Arjen Robben was featured on Saturday in the NPO2 program Sterren op het Doek. He spoke about his youth, his passion to always go the extra mile and the important role of his family during his career as a professional footballer.

It was the first episode in a new series. In Stars on the Canvas, three artists paint a different celebrity every week. At the end, the sitter chooses one of the works of art. The other two will be auctioned off for charity. The program is presented by Özcan Akyol.

Fc Groningen

Robben met the presenter and the three artists in the stadium of his former club FC Groningen. The former footballer was shown the portraits in the Groninger Museum. He chose the work of Bianca van Duijn . She painted on the back of three plexiglass plates with brushed aluminum behind them.

According to Van Duijn, the materials symbolize ‘The man of glass’ and ‘The man of steel’, two nicknames that Robben received during his football career. The artist also used hexagons as a nod to a football.
