Arjen Lubach with extremely false joke about Jeroen Pauw: ‘Ohhh!’

Arjen Lubach made a very false joke about Jeroen Pauw in his evening show. It immediately leads to ‘oh’ shouts in the talk show host’s studio. “Yes, that’s intense for him!”


It really bothers Arjen Lubach that Schiphol has not yet been dismantled. He had a long item about it in his program last night The Evening Show. The presenter thinks it is ridiculous that the airport functions as hub, a hub for air travelers from all over Europe. A fragment from an old TV series by Jeroen Pauw was started.

Fake joke

Arjen introduces the item by Jeroen, who interviews someone at Schiphol, as follows: “Try to explain that on TV. Then a screaming child is immediately put down for the real Schiphol experience.”

We see Jeroen looking irritated when his TV interview is interrupted by a crying child. Then Arjen makes a very false joke: “Yes, just stop for a moment. It is intense for Jeroen Pauw. With every screaming baby he realizes that statistically it is probably his.”

Super cool

Anyway: on to Arjen’s substantive point. He wants to decimate our national airport. “Schiphol causes a lot of inconvenience, not to mention the environmental damage, so it would be good and logical to make Schiphol a little smaller.”

The Schiphol scoundrel gushes: “Flying used to be super cool, but that was a hundred years ago and we didn’t know how bad flying was.”

The alternative according to Arjen? Flying via Frankfurt… An extra stopover, but somewhere else: apparently exactly what the planet needs.


Arjen’s item:
