Arjen Lubach vomited by Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘He is so rancid!’

Arjen Lubach is mercilessly tackled by juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer. She pukes him quite under in front of her more than 600,000 followers. “So rancid!”

© NPO, YouTube

Yvonne Coldeweijer gives one of the biggest TV stars in the Netherlands a big blow out. Where Arjen Lubach is normally only acclaimed, he is now portrayed on the country’s largest juice channel as a grease pipe. “Lately I’ve been hearing more and more raunchy juice about Arjen Lubach…”, says Yvonne.

rancid juice

Rancid juice? That sounds intense. What is Arjen haunting then according to her? “So it seems that on evenings when Martine has the children, Arjen visits the Amsterdam student houses in his Range Rover ?.”

Huh, what is Arjen supposed to do in those student buildings? “He then goes into bed with the girls who have offered themselves to him (I know, stop it). He also seems to be quite busy with female colleagues at work, but this was not always desired… ?.”

inner circle

Why has Yvonne decided to come out with this right now? “When a spy is out inner circle contacted me this week, it all started to become very plausible.”

Yvonne promises to dive deeper into this story and come up with even more ‘juice’. “To be continued…”


In fact, everything that Yvonne brings out about famous Dutch people is news. She has an impressive track record and a huge following, now more than 600,000 people. Her statements about celebrities therefore have a direct influence on the image of the stars.

It won’t be long before Arjen also gets the necessary dung. “Foreigner!!!!”, one Ruud already shouts on Twitter. And Mad: “Saw him on Vlieland. Arrogant little guy with his poke bowl lol.”

Long French

Lange Frans, who hates Arjen, enjoys Yvonne’s juice:
