Arie Slob will be a scout for the new coalition in The Hague

Former Minister of Education and former Member of Parliament Arie Slob (Christian Union) will be a scout for a new college in the municipality of The Hague. That has the city council of The Hague on Monday evening. Last week, the coalition of D66, VVD, GroenLinks, Labor Party and CDA fell in the royal city.

The latter was done at the instigation of the VVD. The Hart voor Den Haag party of Richard de Mos, the largest party in the city council of The Hague, wanted to join the coalition after the acquittal of the party leader last April. The VVD wanted to respect that request, but GroenLinks and the PvdA saw no point in it. The Liberals then pulled the plug on the college.

Read also: Soured relations about De Mos break coalition

Hart voor Den Haag was previously a member of the coalition in The Hague. It fell in October 2019 when it became known that the Public Prosecution Service wanted to prosecute De Mos and his fellow alderman Rachid Guernaoui for corruption and violation of professional secrecy. The two were acquitted last April, but the Public Prosecution Service has announced that it will appeal against the verdict.
