Arie Boomsma knows thirty celebrities with secret hair transplants

Arie Boomsma, like many other stars, is a huge vain. He likes to portray himself as a raw, strong man, but he does those fitness exercises with a toupee on his head.


Well, a living toupee then… Arie Boomsma has undergone a hair transplant and he is always a bit embarrassed when confronted with this, because he does not like to be called a vain. “It seems like you have a hard time admitting that you’re vain. Are you ashamed of that?” De Volkskrant once asked him.


50-year-old Arie is now in The Telegraph asked if he would like to undergo even more cosmetic treatments to look younger. “Strangely enough, such a hair transplant is still a huge taboo,” he says. “The fear of being called vain, especially men, is enormous.”

Yes, a bit of what Arie herself suffers from, so to speak. When De Volkskrant asked whether he is vain, he gave a very special answer: “I have a different theory about it. I think I’m more concerned with recognition for who I am than just with my appearance.”

Thirty celebrities

Ah, Arie is having a hair transplant because he wants to be recognized for who he is. Is there also a mill on Arie’s property? It sounds like he took a hit from that.

In De Telegraaf, Arie immediately starts pointing to other colleagues who have also undergone a hair transplant. “I know at least thirty people from the TV world alone who have also suffered it, but refuse to talk about it. I have referred many of them to the clinic where I had it done.”

Out of the closet

Well, great, Arie apparently no longer has any trouble talking about his hair transplant. “I don’t understand why it is so complicated to come out. Maybe because vanity contains a kind of reproach for being away from the intellectual?”

Back to the original question: a little botox for Arie? “No, I’ll leave it that way. I think getting older, like a face with wrinkles, is just beautiful. You can’t tell by the botox or eye corrections.”

Arie thinks growing old is beautiful. As long as there is hair above those wrinkles…
