Arie Boomsma gets a terrible beating from Angela: ‘Quack!’

Arie Boomsma really gets a terrible beating from the feared opinion dragon Angela de Jong. She calls the troubled dumbbell minister a ‘quack’. “His mask fell off!”


Celebrities love it: uncritical interviews in which they can easily plug their trade. Unfortunately for Arie Boomsma, he did not have an easy time at Renze Klamer’s table last night. The talk show host started to question him critically about his claims about nutritional supplements. Arie makes money from it and advises on it.

Angry and annoyed Arie

Arie quickly made it clear that, like almost all stars, he cannot handle criticism very well. He made it clear several times that he did not want any critical questions about this subject at all, and that he wanted to talk about his book. “I could have been in bed right now,” he complained. Yes, that would indeed have been better for everyone.

AD opinion dragon Angela de Jong thinks Arie has been terribly misled. “Suddenly that mask of friendliness fell away. (…) The other side of Arie emerged: angry and exasperated Arie, who clearly did not like anyone endangering his powder and pill business,” she writes in the newspaper.


What does she call Arie? A ‘quack’. Oops, oops, oops. “He started beating around the bush like a true quack.”

Angela jokingly calls him ‘the noble Dr. Prof. Boomsma’. “In a previous life, an announcer at Yorin.”

What did she enjoy? Gijs Rademaker, who showed his disapproval in the background with all kinds of grimaces. “I saw disbelief, disgust and horror all at the same time.”

Big money

It’s a good thing that Arie didn’t get away with this so easily with Renze, she thinks. “What is it with celebrities who suddenly imagine that after reading a few studies and books, they are the right person to give health advice?”

She concludes: “It’s great that types like Arie fill themselves with it, but the bad thing is: gullible or desperate people fall for it in droves and spend money on it.”
