Arie Boomsma from now on to bed with tape on his mouth

Arie Boomsma now goes to bed with tape on his mouth. He forces himself to breathe through his nose. “You wake up refreshed and have more energy.”

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At first sight it seems like an excellent plan: from now on Arie Boomsma will put masking tape on his mouth. Unfortunately, it will remain at nighttime for the time being. “The latter sounds drastic, and yes, my wife sometimes smiles lovingly at me when I come up with such an experiment again, but that nose breathing is very rewarding,” he explains on Instagram.

“Tape your mouth shut!”

According to Arie, breathing through your nose instead of through your mouth is much healthier. “Your nose filters the air from things you’d rather not get into your lungs (dirt, dust, bacteria, etc). You can train yourself in nasal breathing in all sorts of ways.”

So one of those ways is to go to sleep with tape on your mouth. “Or tape your mouth close to an activity, such as mowing the lawn, washing dishes, vacuuming.”

Wake up fresh

It helps especially at night, says Arie. “You wake up refreshed, have more energy, recover faster during and after workouts and, according to science, it also has all kinds of health benefits.”

He continues: “Honestly, it’s also just nice to get over the inconvenience of such an act and just give it a try. Warn your partner or roommate if you do not live alone. Maybe they are happy, because a nasal breather generally snores considerably less!”


Arie and his latest hobby:
