Ariana DeBose is Oscar for West Side Story: first gay actress to win it

TOriana DeBose is the winner of the 2022 Oscars how Best Supporting Actress for West Side Storycandidate in all to 7 statuettes.

The actress is the first to open the marathon live from the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles on the night of March 27-28. To announce the victory, actor Danile Kaluuya and singer HERwinner in 2021 with the song Fight For You.

Ariana DeBose with the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. (Getty Images)

Ariana Debose, the speech of thanks

The thank you speech is a political and social manifesto, which will remain in the history of the Academy Awards. “Oh my God, oh my God!” She begins when she takes the stage to take up the coveted statuette, wrapped in an elegant red Valentino dress. “Do you understand why I want to live in America? Because even in this crazy moment we are experiencing, strong things can be achieved. I would like to say thank you to all the people who brought me to this stagebut I would finish next year ».

Hence, Ariana DeBose turns to the deus ex machina Steven Spielbergthe director who chose her to play Anita in West Side Story. “Steven, thank you. You won’t get rid of me anymore“. Then, a thought to her mother, sitting in the hall at the Dolby Theater, to support her on the most important night of her career. “I adore you with all my heart. To my family, my loves: I couldn’t do anything without you“.

Ariana feeble oscar west side story

Rita Moreno and Ariana DeBose. The two Anitas of West Side Story. Both Oscar winners. (Getty Images)

Ariana DeBose, first queer woman: “There is room for us”

Then the speech comes to life: «Imagine a little girl behind a white Focus. You see a queer woman of color, who has found her strength and her way through art. So, if anyone has questioned your identity, I promise you there is a place for us. ” There is a place for us, the words of Somewherethe symbolic song of West Side Story.

A clear and direct messagewhich underlines the importance of eliminating prejudices and opening the doors to artists as such, without preconceptions.

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Ariana DeBose is the first black woman from the LGBTQ + community to win an Academy Award in the Best Supporting Actress category. In addition, with Jennifer Lawrence they are the only two actresses born in the 90s to have won a statuette. She then won for the role of Anita as Rita Moreno – present in the theater – won it in the first transposition of the musicalin 1961.

Who is Ariana DeBose: from theater to Hollywood

