Argument: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith on the verge of separation

An insider source claims that with the events of the Oscar gala, the couple’s problems would have escalated again.

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith represented together at the Oscars in March. AOP

In Hollywood, rumors are now circulating about the possible divorce of actress Will Smith and wife Jada Pinkett-Smith. Insider sources tell Style Caster that the couple is in trouble again – this time in the wake of the recent Oscar uproar.

The source claims that the duo would no longer get along at all after Smith beat the comedian Chris Rockia On stage at the Oscar gala.

– After the Oscar scandal, the tension between the two of them has been palpable, the source says of the couple’s situation.

– They have had problems for years, but now they barely speak.

The source goes on to say that if the problems escalate into divorce, the process can quickly turn dirty.

– If they resign, Will’s assets will be $ 350 million, to which Jada is entitled under California law. It could become one of the ugliest differences in the history of the show business, and it won’t be far from the case of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, insiders continue.

Pinkett-Smith has previously spoken openly about the couple’s problems in her Red Table Talk program. The source also stressed that Smith would be reluctant to go through a divorce.

– Will has made no secret of the fact that Jade’s detailed accounts of the marriage have felt miserable. Will has so much pressure from big studios to sell his movies that it has to be spotless. This may be the last rivet of the difference, the source repeated recent events.

Source: Style Caster
