Argentine fintechs in expansion: business rounds and new markets

the banking industry, financial and insurance services (BFSI, for its acronym in English) is marked by a high growth in recent years, and only in February 2022, hits a 27% jump compared to the previous year in established markets, notes the online recruiting platform

While other industries lagged behind the pandemic, fintech today pushes a great demand for jobs, along with the rapid adoption of digital payments and the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain. The demand for BFSI professionals has experienced an upward trend thus representing almost 8 percent of the total jobs on the Monster platform.

“The growing adoption of digitization and new-age technology paved the way for the recovery of the industry, recruiters in the banking and finance industry are looking for professionals who are experts in technical and analytical skills,” said Tim Yates, CEO of Monster.

And the high demand for personnel, which triggers bids between companies, and the general growth of the sector that allows expansion in other markets, are some of the reasons behind the impulse of the investor rounds of some of the most relevant local players in the segment. It happened with the Argentine virtual portfolio of assets LemonCash, which announced its expansion into Brazil to accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the region. And also as it happens today with alloanthe Argentine marketplace for financial products, which closed its first round of investment reaching a $25 million valuation.

The Argentine fintech with operations in Mexico, Spain and Uruguay is a startup that already has more than 2.5 million users globally, and links with more than 50 financial entities. With a 400% year-on-year growth in dollars since 2018, it is an example of local export talent and entrepreneurship: it is positioned as the largest marketplace for financial products in Latin America.

“It is a step that we wanted to take, not only to continue promoting Alprestamo’s growth, but also to promote the development of a diverse and accessible financial ecosystem for all,” said Julián Sanclemente, CEO of the company. “The leverage of the round represents for the company the accolade that consolidates us facing the expansion of verticals and to the new territories that we intend to reach”, added Pablo Blanco, CFO of the company.

The Argentine fintech ecosystem tripled in number of players compared to 2018, according to data from the Argentine Chamber of Fintech. Today it includes some 315 companies, and 20% of them were created in the last 18 months. In other words, in the midst of a pandemic and against the grain of economic activity, which showed a sharp contraction.

“The sector is so dynamic that companies suffer delays in recruiting talent: the profiles we are looking for have many offers. That is why we seek to attract bonuses and a package of associated benefits”, agrees Pablo Juanes, CEO and co-founder of Banza.

“Our first round of investments will strengthen us as a company, will allow us to execute growth as a team that we dream of so much, as well as to start offering our services in other countries”, celebrated in this context Santiago Rivero, COO of Alprestamo.

by RN

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