Argentina wants to become independent from the US and cooperate with Russia

In Moscow on Thursday, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin holds meeting with a colleague from Argentina Alberto Fernandez.​

As the Argentine leader said during the talks, his country is in a difficult situation. Argentina wants to get rid of dependence on the United States, because largely because of Washington, Buenos Aires has accumulated a serious external debt.

As Fernandez explained, Argentina’s economy has been “very US-oriented” for decades. The President added that “the debt to the IMF also arose because of these relations,” writes RIA News.

The difficulties in restructuring the economy, continued the president of Argentina, were exacerbated by the fact that supporters of integration with the United States were in power in the country for several years.

“I strongly advocate that Argentina still get rid of this dependence, from the IMF and the United States. I assure you that we really want to develop cooperation with Russia,” Fernandez said.

In turn, Putin expressed the hope that the leaders of the two countries would continue personal contacts “both in Argentina and here in Russia.”

Putin and Fernandez will meet in Beijing at the opening of the Olympic Games on February 4.

All major news and videos are available on the media platform “Looking”.


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