Argentina Selection: Who is behind Deportick, the ticket platform?

As happened in September 2021, tickets for see the Argentine National Team at the Monumental -at that time champion of the Copa América, and now world champion-, will be marketed by an online platform, although this time it is not the same. Few questioned it, since the focus was concentrated on the high values ​​of the tickets. But who is behind, the platform to which AFA decided to give you now the sale of tickets for the next game?

The Dominion sportick was registered on November 2, 2021 by the current deputy of the Front of All Marcela Viviana Faronisister and partner of the renowned theater producer Javier Faroni, of great relationship with the massismo and the ruling party, who, in addition, was the titular director of Argentinian airlines between December 2019 and February 2022; and friend of President of AFA, Claudio Chiqui Tapia. This is indicated by the domain verifier and certified by the Official Gazette No. 34,789 of 11/9/2021. And that local domain is redirected to which is the domain where the sales portal is located.

Tapia, Faroni and the deputy

sportick He began to be active on his social networks in January 2022, shortly before Javier Faroni moved away from ownership of Aerolineas, a place where, according to his relatives, he forged a strong friendship with Tapia, to the point that, in January, the The head of AFA went with the family to see the play “El Divorcio”invited by his friend and I have the World Cupwith which he took the stage at the end.

Claudio Chiqui Tapia in Mar del Plata, in the work of Faroni

It happens that, during the pandemic, the intervention of the theater manager was key, since as the owner of airlines He became Tapia’s frequent interlocutor to facilitate the transfer of players from different teams, and even, in the midst of a pandemic, to speed up the rescue of stranded footballers, as happened in April 2021 with the entire squad of Cordoba Workshops in Colombia.

Ticket sales are not the only business that Faroni and his sister, the deputy, have with AFA. As reported by NEWS, the producer will be in charge of carrying out the shows about the Argentine national teams world champions that will inaugurate in the rural during the first days of April, where the Frers Pavilion of the Palermo property will be divided into more than six rooms in which shirts and cups, personal belongings of the players will be exhibited, but also the bus that transported the world champion players during the festivities of December 20. There will be screening of unpublished films and videos, games, talks and debates.

Javier Faroni
Javier Faroni

The relationship between the owner of the AFA and Faroni took hold during the pandemic and was cemented during the last World Cup. The theatrical businessman was the frequent interlocutor of the soccer boss for the transfer of players from different teams, and who more than once came to the rescue of stranded soccer players as happened in April 2021 with the entire Talleres squad in Colombia.

Faroni, politics and soccer

The link between Sergio Massa and Faroni It’s over a decade old. In July 2013, the producer joined the Renovating Front at its foundation. It was presented by Lucas Fiorini, a former senator from Cambiemos who is now a member of the Front of all Together with Javier Faroni He joined the party of the current Minister of Economy and also added his sister and partner, Marcela (owner of the Deportick domain), who has been a provincial deputy of the FDT alliance since 2019.

It is not conspicuous that Deportick exposes that with the Tigre club, An institution closely related to the Massa family, it was the first that, according to the company, joined the “new system for the sale of season tickets and tickets” proposed by the site that appears today selling the tickets for the small stage.

by RN

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