Argentina, 1985 by Santiago Miter with Ricardo Darín: the review by Paolo Mereghetti

Type: dramatic-political comedy
Director: Santiago Miter. With Ricardo Darín, Peter Lanzani, Jorge Varas, Paula Ransenberg, Santiago Armas Estevarena, Marcelo Pozzi, Joselo Bella

Ricardo Darín is the prosecutor in “Argentina, 1985”.

It seems a contradiction: to use the tone of comedy to tell the darkest page of national history. Yet this is what Santiago Mitre does, an Argentine director capable of delving into the contradictions of the human soul (as he demonstrated in the excellent President And Pauline). Here is the turn of the judge who in 1985 was charged with preparing the trial against those responsible for the military dictatorship, starting with Videla and Masera.

With a first-rate cast, including Ricardo Darín and Peter Lanzani, respectively the public prosecutor Julio Strassera and his assistant Luis Moreno Ocampo, the film debunks the clichés about the spoiler (everyone knows or should know how that process ended) and at the same time passionate, playing between family skirmishes (the younger son used as a “spy”, the wife who uses irony as a weapon) and the tenacity with which the evidence of torture was sought and presented, then entrusting some hearing sessions with the task of giving voice to those who suffered every kind of atrocity.

And the result is civilian cinema at its best, able to excite without rhetoric and without emphasis.
For those pursuing civilian cinema at its best.

