Argentina, 1985 by Santiago Miter: Aldo Grasso’s review of the film on Prime Video

Genre: historical, legal thriller
Direction: Santiago Miter. With Ricardo Darín, Peter Lanzani, Alejandra Flechner, Carlos Portaluppi, Norman Briski, Alejo García Pintos. On Amazon Prime Video

Ricardo Darín and Peter Lanzani in the film “Argentina, 1985”.

There are countries that know how to use audiovisual narration to look inside, deal (or at least try) with the darker and more disturbing past. One of them is Argentina, where the drama of the military dictatorship and the disappeared has returned to be addressed thanks to the film by Santiago Miter.

Presented at the Venice Film Festival, the film traces the historical civil trial against Videla, Massera and the main exponents of the regimein 1985 (two years after the advent of democracy).

The protagonist of the story is the prosecutor Julio Cesar Strassera (Ricardo Darín manages to convey all the anguish of responsibility), who together with his colleague Luis Moreno-Ocampo (Peter Lanzani) and a team of young graduates in a race against time he succeeds in setting up a historical process. An adventure not without pitfalls and threats to them, to their families, to the numerous witnesses unearthed in every corner of Argentina.

The pace between the legal thriller and documentary rigor, the rebound between the unspeakable and a subtle form of irony are a hard blow to feelings. To the point of concluding that “sadism is not a political strategy, but a moral perversion”.

For those who love works on the great hairpin bends of history, where, at times, good triumphs over evil.

