Are you guilty of this? 11 things cats hate

Do you also make these common mistakes with your cuddly cat?

1. Stroking (in certain places)

Of course there are exceptions, but most cats are not necessarily waiting for a tickle over their stomach. The chances of Simba/Gizmo/Minoes lashing out at you if you venture into this area are pretty high.

2. Introducing Strangers

Cats are stubborn animals; they decide for themselves whether and by whom they want to be petted. Sometimes they can react less friendly to touches of strangers. A bit like you actually.

3. Lifting

Your cat likes to be in control. If you lift it, it won’t. Rather wait until he comes to you on his own initiative to cuddle or give him a pat on the head while he is nodding on the couch.

4. Let food go to waste

The same applies to cats as to humans: they prefer ‘fresh’ food to a meal that has been collecting dust for a few hours. Chunks will dry out if left in your cat’s food bowl all day. It is therefore better to give a few smaller portions during the day.

5. Leave alone

He or she may come across as arrogant and indifferent, but make no mistake: your cat does miss you if you are away from home a lot and often. And honestly: the same applies the other way around, right? If you are on the road a lot for a few days, make sure that the neighbor has a look at your buddy, so that he does not get lonely.

6. Cradles

A pet can feel like a child, but you should not take care of the animal like a baby. When you hug your cat and rock him back and forth, he doesn’t like it at all. Cats can feel vulnerable because of it.

7. Shoot photos

We understand that you want to take lots of pictures of your cat and capture every sweet little movement. But did you know that your cat doesn’t like that at all? Especially when you take pictures with flash you are not doing your pet any favors.

8. Make eye contact

Cats also don’t like direct eye contact. When you stare – lovingly – at the animal, it can scare him. Cats regard staring as aggressive and dominant behavior.

9. Imitate

Do you regularly chat with your cat? Then don’t do that anymore. It can really confuse cats, since they don’t understand your meowing. Cats almost never meow among themselves, and only use the sound to get attention when they are hungry or thirsty, for example.

10. Give milk

Milk is good for everyone, but not for your cat. Most cats like it, but are intolerant to lactose. Because of this, your well-intentioned bowl of milk can give them stomach problems. So rather serve them plain water.

11. Make changes

Every change – small or big – causes stress for your cat. A move, a visit to the vet or even giving them different food can completely upset the animal. Of course, some changes are inevitable, but try to build the adjustment gradually. Then the animal can slowly get used to it.

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Source: Dragonfly Belgium

26 August 2019
