Are Khalid & Sophie second choice? ‘Arjen Lubach does not want to move’

The eve of NPO 1 is on the rise now that Khalid & Sophie are on summer vacation. And that while there is now a series of repetitions in place. Is their return in the autumn a sign of weakness?

© Annemieke van der Togt

Where Khalid & Sophie managed to captivate an average of 442 thousand viewers last week, a series of repeats (!) of the Martine van Os series We Are Almost currently attracts a lot more attention. On Monday there were 679 thousand people watching and yesterday there were 625 thousand, good for a market share of 21 percent.


The NPO 1 viewer would rather see a repeat than a brand new Khalid & Sophie: it couldn’t get any more painful. However, the talk show can continue after the summer. It seems like a huge weakness. Could there really be no one else to be found?

A move of Arjen Lubach to the eve would immediately solve the viewing figure problem, but he is not waiting for that. He returns after the summer with De Avondshow and then broadcasts again prior to Op1. By broadcasting late at night, he has much more preparation time.

Arjen doesn’t want to

Arjen does not want to, says Shownieuws expert Victor Vlam. He spoke to the host at a podcast party. “I tried to put him to fire to convince him to do that, because that’s what we need in the Netherlands: a good program at seven o’clock,” he says in De Communicado’s.

“He says, ‘I really don’t want to do it,’ and his main reason for that is that they’re just right at the time they’re sitting. He’s happy about that. I said, ‘Yeah, but you can get more budget at seven o’clock, it can give you more viewers and therefore more influence.’ He’s not convinced of that at all, so he certainly doesn’t like it.”

Emmy on one

Back to the ratings from last night: Castle Lady Emmy took gold on prime time with 926 thousand viewers (23 percent). This is followed by RTL 4’s For the Same Money (799 thousand and 20 percent) and NPO 2’s Nieuwsuur (620 thousand and 17 percent).

The other most-watched prime-time titles were URK! with 500 thousand viewers (12 percent) on SBS 6, Recht in de Ogen with 445 thousand viewers (12 percent) on NPO 1 and 112 Today with 377 thousand viewers (10 percent) on RTL 5.

Viewing figures

Other programs that did not make the top 15 include Shownieuws (418 thousand), Zeeman confronts stalkers (369 thousand), Chateau Meiland (326 thousand) and Shownieuws Zomer Edition (287 thousand).

The viewing figures of Tuesday, June 21, 2022 (SKO

Top 15

Market Shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. News 20:00 (NPO1) 1,493,00001. RTL4 / 23.3%
02. Half past seven news (RTL4) 1,067,00002. NPO1 / 21.8%
03. Castle Lady Emmy (NPO1) 926,00003. SBS6 / 10.8%
04. News 6:00 PM (NPO1) 866,00004. NPO2 / 6.9%
05. For the same money (RTL4) 799,00005. RTL5 / 5.4%
06. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 798.00006. Vero / 4.4%
07. Good times bad times (RTL4) 785,00007. NPO3 / 3.8%
08. Humberto (RTL4) 717,00008.NET5/3.3%
09. EenVandaag (NPO1) 692.00009. RTL7 / 2.4%
10. Edition NL (RTL4) 652.00010. RTL8 / 2.3%
11. Op1 (NPO1) 637,00011. Paramount / 1.5%
12. We are almost there (NPO1) 625,00012. Discov / 1.3%
13. News Hour (NPO2) 620,00013. BBC / 1.2%
14. Six hours of news (RTL4) 526,00014. RTLZ / 0.9%
15. Heart of the Netherlands (SBS6) 516,00015. FOX / 0.8%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. RTL Netherlands 34.8%
02. Public Broadcasting 32.5%
03. Talpa TV 19.1%
