Are constant lane changes successful on the Autobahn?

Back and forth and back and forth: When traffic is heavier, some people look for their supposed advantage in jumping between gaps

Back and forth and back and forth: When traffic is heavier, some people look for their supposed advantage in jumping between gaps Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

Stupid if you’re not the only one who wants to go on vacation via the Autobahn. But what’s the point of constantly switching between lanes and from gap to gap?

If all cars drive at the same speed as possible, the risk of traffic jams is lowest. But according to Dekra, jumping into gaps – i.e. changing lanes again and again – usually does nothing, just more risk.

The testing organization advises driving with foresight in heavy traffic instead of jumping into gaps, keeping enough distance and avoiding unnecessary speed and lane changes.

Driving slightly offset from the car in the other lane on the lane also improves safety. According to Dekra, you then have a better view of the traffic situation and can react earlier if you brake at the front.

Staggered driving and not overtaking reduce the risk of accidents, especially on construction sites.


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