Are Coffee Time divas drifting into sponsored TV trivia?

Loretta Schrijver, Pernille La Lau, Quinty Trustfull and Vivian Slingerland: they suddenly have nothing to do now that Koffietijd has been taken off the TV. What is about to happen to them?

© Nick van Ormondt

While Loretta Schrijver has now reached an age when it has also been nice, her colleagues will still have to work. But what will happen to them? Are they sliding into sponsored TV trivia on RTL 4’s Saturday afternoon? Things like ‘Camp to go’, ‘Sustainable road trip’ and ‘House Vision’?

Demotion for coffee divas?

It appears so. Pernille La Lau tells in the Weekend that she will present the program ‘Zakenvuur’, an ‘entrepreneurial program for RTL 4’. “The plan is that I will present it in the autumn. That is something I would like to give my attention to,” said the presenter.

Sounds like a lot, such a private TV program, but of course this simply disappears in the carousel of camping and fishing programs. It’s basically the modern day equivalent of the calling games. If we still lived in those days, Pernille and Quinty would soon be raffling off toasters with an 0900 number at the bottom of the screen.

Sponsored Television

When asked whether Businessfire is indeed such a sponsored daytime TV thing, she replies to NPO Radio 1: “Sure, but keep going founding fathers who are involved in the entire process. So not a sponsored thing like: look, you can buy this bottle.”

In the end, coffee time was simply sponsored, Pernille emphasises. “Coffee time has never felt commercial either, because we have always been very sincere and honest in the sponsorship we have. We also had a lot of support from that, always from the lottery. The National Postcode Lottery.”

look down

It is not right to look down on these kinds of programs, says Pernille. “I think it’s a shame. I don’t think it’s realistic either, because we have a lot of great programs thanks to sponsorship.”

That’s just how it works, she says. “Yes, my background is also marketing. I think it’s very important that you can create programs that you wouldn’t otherwise get, and that you do get through sponsorship. And there is also absolutely very fair sponsorship. We have done that for twelve years, I think.”
