“Are all the bodies out of the closet now?”

Linda de Mol has chosen to embrace Jeroen Rietbergen again, but what if all kinds of details come out during the hearing that she did not yet know?

© 5 Years Later

Women support women? Only when it suits her. Linda de Mol forms another love affair with Jeroen Rietbergen, while he is prosecuted for rape. However, you cannot see into the future and things may still break down between the two. In any case, that also happened to Igone de Jongh and Thijs Römer.

Does Linda know everything?

Initially, Igone stayed with him because she believed in his talk, but during the trial against him, all kinds of things came out that she did not know yet. Moreover, it turned out through Yvonne Coldeweijer that he also cheated on her with other women. In fact, he has now been spotted with that same mistress again. Hand in hand.

Telegraaf reporter Jordi Versteegden is concerned about Linda, because does she actually know everything? Or will she soon also encounter an Igone-like scenario? “I just hope that all the corpses are now out of the closet and that Jeroen has told everything, because the case surrounding The Voice still has to start,” he says in the podcast Strictly Private.

Corpses out of the closet

It could be that during the trial things will come out about Jeroen that we don’t know yet. “We know that Jeroen and Ali B will be prosecuted soon. If stories come out that they don’t know yet, that will of course only cause more sadness,” says Jordi.

He continues: “We recently saw it with Thijs Römer and Igone de Jongh… Igone also said in an interview last week that she knew nothing, so I am very curious to see how this will turn out.”

Very annoying

Jeroen’s misconduct contributed to the fall of The Voice, the crown jewel of the De Mol family. Yet they seem to have embraced him again; Noa Vahle speaks conciliatory words in her mother Linda’s magazine. According to her, everyone deserves a second chance, but at GeenStijl they are critical.

Private star journalist Jan Uriot understands that it is difficult for Noa. “It is always very annoying, because how should you react as a family member of a stepfather who has been affected?”

Wrong in the war

Noa can never do it right, Jan thinks. “If she doesn’t say anything, people say: ‘Why doesn’t she say anything about it?’ and: ‘How silly that she doesn’t say anything about it.’ If she does say something about it, it’s like: look at her again, what is she talking about? You’ll never get it right in this case.”

He concludes: “You can conclude that you are not responsible for what another family member has done. You also have that with people who were wrong in the war.”
