Arcore, the tribute to Berlusconi: “Thank you forever president”

Despite the rain, many people paid homage to Berlusconi in front of Villa San Martino, where the funeral home has been set up since yesterday, set up in a strictly private way

From our correspondent Marco Pasotto

The morning flood on Arcore obviously didn’t affect people’s affection. At most, it has led to faster “visits”, but still today there were several people who wanted to pay homage to Berlusconi by bringing an object – or even just stopping in recollection – in front of Villa San Martino, where the room has been set up since yesterday ardent of Silvio. A funeral home – yesterday as today – in a strictly private form, to which only family members and those closest to him have been and will be admitted, in the residence where only three days ago the leader of Forza Italia was supposed to meet the leaders of his left (and where he would have liked to go off). The residence where Berlusconi conceived and conducted many crucial operations – from politics to the economy, from entrepreneurship to sport – throughout his existence.

Red Spot

Outside, in the small lawn a few meters from the entrance to the villa, discreetly watched by the police (the access roads have been closed off to motor vehicles in order to avoid traffic jams), there is a red spot which extends for a few tens of meters. Red because what stands out above all are the scarves, flags and shirts of Milan and Monza, left by the fans who arrived here on this secular pilgrimage. And then bouquets of flowers, photos, dedications, letters, some Forza Italia banners, while a little further on the Monzese ultras of the Curva Pieri hung up a large banner: “Thank you forever president”. A little further on, behind some specially set up barriers, the corner reserved for the media with dozens of Italian and foreign troupes on this eve of the state funeral, scheduled for Wednesday 14 in the Duomo in Milan.


Throughout the morning the visits of those admitted to the residence continued, including the leader of Forza Italia in the Senate, Licia Ronzulli, and the former undersecretary of the Prime Minister, Gianni Letta, while outside the lawn was enriched with other bouquets. There are also those who have preferred to give him a last farewell like this, in front of his home, almost in a reserved way compared to the state funeral where everything will take on a solemn aspect. Some giant screens will be set up in Piazza Duomo to allow people to follow the function.
