Arco: Ukraine crisis, World Archery also sanctions Russia and Belarus

The sanctions of the International Archery Federation targeting Russia and Belarus. Both nations will not be able to organize events or participate with their athletes and officials in international archery events

In response to the crisis in Ukraine, the executive committee of World Archery (the international archery federation) approved sanctions against Russia and Belarus, following the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee. These new sanctions add to the previous declaration and initial sanctions, announced following Russia’s breakup of the Olympic truce. As of March 2, 2022, no athlete, team official or technical officer of Russia or Belarus will be able to participate in any international archery event until further notice. This includes any tournament offering points in the world ranking, qualifying events, events organized by major organizations and any competition for which World Archery or World Archery Europe is the governing body or responsible for the appointment of technical officers. The term technical official includes match officials and classifiers. Even though neither World Archery nor World Archery Europe had any upcoming archery events scheduled in the two countries, in Russia and Belarus it was still forbidden to organize or host international events. In compliance with the recommendation of the International Olympic Committee, which last Tuesday hosted a meeting of the presidents of the international sports federations, neither the archery federations of Russia and Belarus, nor the elected officials of either of these two countries will be suspended. , as they are not directly involved in the non-compliance with the Olympic Truce.

The press release

The International Federation, in addition to having published the sanctions listed above concerning the world of archery, has issued the following official note on its website: “World Archery reiterates its position according to which there is no place in this world for war or violence. . Sport is a celebration of peace, friendship and Olympic values. The International Federation does not wish to penalize any athlete or official who shares these values ​​but, as sport’s response to the current crisis in Ukraine, must prioritize the integrity of competitions and fairness in access to competitions. World Archery hopes that the unified calls for peace, by people of all nationalities, will quickly put an end to this crisis. “On the website of the international federation it is also specified that further decisions will be made by the executive committee of World Archery if these We will work with the International Olympic Committee, the Ukrainian Olympic Committee and the Ukrainian Archery Federation to support athletes and, wherever possible, World Archery will continue to provide humanitarian aid to members of the crisis-affected community.
