Architecture and design focused on the home office

Since the confinement began in 2020, working or studying from home has become a habit and, at times, an increasingly difficult task due to the lack of space and privacy.

This is how Matías Sicardi and Santiago Fisher, the leading architects of this story, saw the opportunity to apply everything they were passionate about to solve a problem common to all. This is how they created Offis, a project that allows, in just five days, to build a “home office”, comfortable and with the necessary privacy to be calm.

After studying and training on issues related to dry construction during 2020, it was in January 2021, when they finally launched this innovative plan that continues to grow. “We got what we needed and went out to build the first prototype with our own hands in the garden of my house. It was finally a reality,” Santiago recalls enthusiastically.

The first thing is the client’s consultation. From that, a PDF is sent with all the detailed information, a visit to the land and the showroom is offered so that the materials and the armed space can be closely appreciated. “Usually this is the breaking point. The people who come to see it fall in love,” said Santiago.

They currently work with three standard models (one of six square meters, another of nine and another of eighteen), which is what allows them to take almost impossible assembly times, in five days, and reduce material waste.

“We resort to materials that do not require maintenance for the client, and that contribute to energy savings. We seek to promote the idea of ​​circular architecture of reusable materials, which is not a use and waste. We like to inspire the development of these systems”, explains Matías.

“We prioritize that it be friendly to the environment, not only in terms of environmental impact, but also visual impact. We seek harmony with what surrounds it”, explains Santiago.

Now customers began to ask for them to give them other uses, other than office: gyms, workshops, ateliers, rehearsal rooms, playrooms, among others. They assure that installing an Offis is not simply adding another atmosphere to the house, it is changing the way of living it. Not only who now spends time at the Offis wins, but also

family does. Having more space where you can be calm generates a great balance in the home, much needed in these times of pandemic.

Although the short-term objective of these two young entrepreneurs is to continue meeting people’s need for privacy and comfort, in the medium term they seek to work with large companies that promote the home office. This is the solution to the lack of space: the Offis are an aesthetic, practical, fast, functional and environmentally friendly option.

Contact information:


Mail: [email protected]


Telephone: +54 9 11 3285 0070


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